From Robin in early 2022: for the first time in years, I decided to contact a few journists - ideally "investigative journalists" who
have the means of "digging deeper" on a news story.
Also those who publish material in Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, TV, and The Net.
Maybe we should see the DVLA "management tree", their use of agencies/contractors, salaries, etc ?
Do you have the right tools to read this page ? e.g. is there just one line of text above the header image ? Can you scroll to the map at the bottom in 1 second ? Don't miss that "Important Message from Robin Lovelock" towards the end, after the cartoons. If you have problems, see my Can U See page. Your smart 'phone or tablet MIGHT be good enough :-)
Please see my : Robin's "DVLA Funny Farm" page on , which explains why I decided to contact the Press: The DVLA telling me that I should not drive. It's a useful introduction, for journalists wishing to contact me on a host of other stories. For some unknown reason, within two months, on 1st April 2022, I was told that I COULD drive. Then, in 2023, I was told I could not drive - again. Others can look into what happened if they wish. The evidence is all* there, on that page above :-) * I have more evidence, not yet published ;-)
But there are hundreds of other topics that people may have more interest in, and might provide ideas or raw material for the Press.
Some have resulted in my being contacted,
by UK or overseas news media, including Newspapers, Radio, and Television Networks.
See my
page, for some of those topics.
Mysterious Deaths of Marconi Engineers
page, for a topic I treat with more care, and is the first "story" on my
Some overlap with sad events in Ukraine, and inevitable Global Warming, now "kicking in" :-|
page, started in early 2020, has humour, but resulted in good results in UK,
reported on BBC TV. But the page is much wider, with input from many countries,
and overlaps into subjects like Global Warming and James Lovelock.
The amazing "Scientist, Engineer, and Inventer", who passed away on his 103rd Birthday, on 26th July 2022.
Understand his prophetic words about Global Warming.
Some journalist may be interested in places I've worked, and people I've worked with, at City University , Ferranti , NATO , and EASAMS . Some guys are still alive :-)
There are interesting people & places I know, such as in
, and MANY other places around the World :-)
There are hundreds of topics, many of which are Worldwide. e.g. amusing hobby projects for grandads and their grandchildren. Some of my pages may spark ideas :-)
Here are some videos from Robin's
page, starting with that while at
"Business Development", "Charitable Causes", then "Just Fun" :-)
Please remember why I set up this page on 22nd March 2022: investigation of topics raised on Robin's "DVLA Funny Farm" page on ;-)
But than priority will probably change. Most of you will be interested in other topics. Here are some images from the start, and then the end, of my Grumpy page ...
MANY OF YOU MAY WISH TO SCROLL DOWN PAST ALL THIS "OLD SOLDIER" STUFF - to the host of smaller sections on "less serious" stuff, like Robot Boats, and many hobbies :-)
* Check out
Bernie Sharp
talking about his amazing father, Harold Sharp, in that video interview with Robin,
in 2016. e.g. Gambling, moving out of poverty to relative prosperity, using "business skills"
and contacts, including Gypsies/Pikies/Travellers, Race Horse Owners and Jockies, Farmers, etc.
It was only recently that Robin discovered that Harold Sharp never discussed World War 1,
and what followed, with his sons: only his wife Annie, and daughters Vi and Eve Lovelock.
However, Robin was told much of the basic things from his mother
Evelyn Lovelock
, then directly from his grandad Harold Sharp, when Robin
regularly visited him, with parents Len, Eve, a sister Sally, but more when Robin could drive,
from 1964.
Business can be used to do good, as well as evil. Don't we all know it ? :-)
Stuff may be plugged in here, if and when Robin has the time ;-)
from Robin:
Anyone who knows me well will know one topic that will bring tears to my eyes. It is when I recall my dear Grandfather,
Harold Sharp, telling me of his experiences in the First World War - WWI ( 1914 - 1918 ). He would talk of the Christmas
Football Match: Germany v England, when there was a short, unofficial truce, before they went back to their own trenches,
and resumed killing each other. What particularly moves me, was his personal account of his being among the "walking wounded",
making their way back through the confused lines. German and Allied soldiers would be walking together, helping each other,
until they eventually parted company, sometimes bidding "farewells", to their respective Field Hospitals. His was "Le Treport",
the name of his bungalow in Agister's Lane, not far from Arbourfield Army Camp. His eldest son, my Uncle Ern, was in the 8th Army
"Desert Rats", during WWII, coming up through Africa, through Sicily and Italy. I inherited my wicked sense of mischief from
Harold, as my dear Uncle Berny and Aunty, near Sandhurst Military Academy, will confirm. They share many memories,
with my Cousin Geoff, now retired and sailing in the Med.
The Sharps are
The above is from Robin's
Bigger Picture
Stuff may be plugged in here, if and when Robin has the time ;-)
This is an extract from
Robin's "Vic" page, which, after this introduction,
includes much more ...
Vic Piercey worked with me at EASAMS : I was there from 1981 until 1994. In the early 1980s he worked on the UKAIR Study and within my little Air Command & Control Group. I also visited Vic at his home in Claygate until quite recently. I realised then what interesting stories he had to tell, such as from about 1980, when he was working in Iran, on an Air Defence Radar system, and then how he helped guys from there, when the regime changed.
BUT, it was only when we got the invitation to the funeral that we realised he had almost made 102 ! BUT even more importantly, his remarkable RAF career, from 1937, through the whole of World War II - thanks to those lovely words below, from his son, Mike.
Let me highlight below a few points, that "pushed buttons" on me - and probably a few others, including Ex-EASAMS Guys . e.g. joined the RAF in January 1937 ! Working for UK MOD in 1960 and later ?
The words, pictures, and links above have not changed much since I created this page in 2015, but in 2018,
my wife June and I woke up to the probability that NATO was born in Sunninghill.
I set up a new draft page, still under construction, on
"SACEUR, Snoopy, and Sunninghill
The NATO Alliance was not signed until 1949, and by that time, countries like Poland,
who had military staff and Royalty near Sunninghill, was behind the Iron Curtain.
I am seeking declassified maps, that were probably Cosmic Top Secret (CTS), showing the locations of key headquarters. e.g. General Eisenhower, who became the first SACEUR, had his bunker in the middle of Sunninghill village.
The SHEWS map and images below are taken from . During my NATO days, in the 1970s, I spent much of my time with USAF and RAF, because the work involved military air operations. At EASAMS my work widened to the three services, and my CTS clearance was renewed. However, when I left EASAMS, I chose to do only unclassified work, with less need to keep secrets.
As Mrs Brown's friend said: "I can keep secrets; it's the friends I tell them to who can't" :-)
Now for some less serious topics: Tap on that picture below to visit the BBC Radio Solent GPS Bottle tracking page . Years earlier we tracked them out to Holland :-)
See my
Robin's "Bigger Picture" page
that may spark interest in a few other topics.
Also the
pages. e.g. that Trans-Atlantic model aircraft in 2003 :-)
Snoopy's Robot boat to cross the Atlantic ? Tap on a picture below to visit the
Snoopy's first attempt, in 2012, was broadcast live on BBC TV :-)
Anyone want to make a robot boat to sail anywhere ? If someone can assemble those Micromites, designed in Australia,
they are incredibly easy to program. Or you could simply use Robin's free Micromite Autopilot, and just add your own waypoints,
in Latitude and Longitude, to make it sail around a local pond, at sea, or anywhere you like.
Our problem is getting someone to make Micromites in quantity, and that probably won't happen unless some publicity creates an interest.
Maybe we should provide a free Micromite, loaded with software, to a suitable journalist ? :-)
Click on pictures to visit
Robin's Micromite page
Snoopy and Robin got lots of publicity
for Snoopy's 2012 Attempt to cross the Atlantic: Newspapers in UK, USA and New Zealand, and live BBC Radio Solent and BBC South TV.
Visit the
Snoopy Robot Boat page
, and/or play those videos from 2012 :-)
Sailing ? I did a little sailing in the 1970s and 1980s, but several of my friends did MUCH more. e.g. Stuart Quarrie. Tap or Click on pictures to visit pages :-)
Tap or Click on that picture below to visit the Filming Red Kites from the Air page - from back in 2005. They are now almost everywhere :-)
Tapping on some pictures take you to other pages, with more detail on the topic - of little or great interest to some - depending on who you are. e.g. Old Cars :-)
"Art" is an important ingedient in creating a newspaper or magazine article, or a TV programme. Art was my first passion,
from when I was a toddler, through primary and secondary school, shared with my chum Gus Russell. We also used to fish together,
but that's another topic :-) When I was about 13 I became interested in technical things, leading to a career in Defence Systems.
However Gus had an interesting life, and - unlike myself, who retired years ago - is still working: Gus uses "Storyboards"
to help guys design things like an advertising campaign. Our paths sometimes cross, when he does something like give me
a 70th Birthday Card, or I draw yet another cartoon, or a "portait" of Gus in the style of Felix Topolski.
Below is an extract from my
I just LOVE that video :-)
Friday 19th November 2021:
Pub Grub today. I received a link from my old chum Gus. That's my drawing on the left, in the style of Felix Topolski - but
Gus was always a better artist than me. I did it for his Birthday Card - after that one he did for my 70th years ago.
Visit his web site
, to see what a professional can do ! :-)
from Robin on Sunday 16th July 2023: Gus passed away earlier in July, but I would like to think his website above
will remain, as a tribute to this remarkable Guy. That video is how I will remember him. Sleep well Gus.
Here are several of my cartoons from my Old Cartoon Page - which also includes the Spaghetti Trees, that bear fruit on 1st April each year :-)
Tap or Click on the picture below, to visit Robin Lovelock's Covid19.htm page. It is intended to both educate and amuse.
From Robin Lovelock: There is more in the piece about Global Warming and James Lovelock on my Grumpy page. Jim has his 103rd Birthday this year. Click on his picture for the Wiki article.
Few people still understand what Jim and that page have been saying for years.
"We can't stop Global Warming. but we may delay it by a few decades, to give us time to prepare for it's effects: vast areas of the World, including as close as continental Europe, becoming arid desert; shrinking of habitable areas of the planet to much smaller parts of the planet, closer to the Poles. The Earth will then only be able to support a small fraction of it's present population, and there will be the need for massive migration. Places like the UK will remain temporate a little longer, so will be an attractive destination. We need all World Governments to cooperate, to prepare for this inevitability; also to agree things like reduced use of fossile fuels, to give us a few more decades to prepare."
Click or tap
for the Guardian Newspaper article.
I love the quote, “Enjoy life while you can. Because if you’re lucky, it’s going to be 20 years before it hits the fan.": We all know what "it" is :-)
From Robin on Monday 27th July 2020: Jim's 101st birthday was yesterday. See the Guardian article published just before
. Great stuff :-)
Play the video below, on the left, for the BBC TV News on his 100th Birthday in 2019.
On the right in 2020: ... on coronavirus and turning 101.
Read the Grumpy page, to see the full piece, and in context. e.g. articles about the UK NHS and migrants. Maybe, with the experience of covid19, many nations will collaborate. Our short youtube video, above, to the right shows Robin, June, and Samantha, on "covid19 lockdown" in Sunninghill, promoting three books of Jim, including "the revenge of Gaia". Click on the important Grumpy Old Man on the right to know more about him. Today seemed a good day to mention him here, publicly. Of course, he could be a topic of discussion on my Google Group below ;-)
Tap or Click on any picture below to visit and discover the facts. It was in the newspapers and on TV years ago, but very few people know that, under the Law, since 1946, the UK Government, through the NHS, must pay ALL costs of care, including that of accomodation. That includes Care Homes.
Yes, I've been crazy all my life, and some of the guys I admire most are, in my opinion, even crazier :-) Mental Health is obviously not a laughing matter, when it becomes a problem - not "issue" please, and the root causes are alcoholism, drug abuse, physical problems, trauma such as within a war zone, or how you have been mistreated. I like to think that my "Bluebell Ward" pages, linked off , published at the end of 2015, helped in famous people "Coming Out" on the subject, and it getting sympathetic publicity in news media, such as BBC TV. I'm still pleased with what I wrote on my Home page on 10th April 2015 and on 9th May 2015 . Some may apply to events in 2022 :-)
Tap or Click on pictures below to go to the relevant page. I have a clear concience, despite having worked most of my life in the "Defence Business".
I joined Ferranti Digital Systems in Bracknell and while going through Apprentice Training School, Workshops, Wiring Shops, Drawing Office, Laboratories, and Software Division, in my 6 month "Industrial Training", I spent the other half of the years 1965-1969 at City University, London . Projects while at University included Artificial Inteligence (AI) and Conversational Computing on the historic Ferranti Pegusus - dating back to 1949 and the UK's invention of the Digital Computer at Bletchley Park. My workmate in 1970, Nigel, has, in recent years, provided equipment for that historic place ;-)
In 1971 I got a well-paid job as a NATO Scientist, at SHAPE Technical Centre in Holland. This speeded up my marriage to June. See my "NATO" page Memories of SHAPE Technical Centre and John Maniello . We were in Holland 1971-1979 and our first daughters were born there. We learnt some Dutch :-)
We returned to England, and I worked for EASAMS in Frimley from 1981 until 1994, by which time I had started our own business, Sunninghill Systems , that provided GPS Tracking and SatNav software Worldwide, into 153 countries. That's when I set up my first web site . I was recruited by EASAMS ( Elliot Automation and Advanced Military Systems ), in 1980, to assist them moving into the C3I marketplace. That's Command, Control and Intelligence Systems. The guys around me had, or were, working on World-leading things like TSR2, Tornado, and other things like Nuclear Submarines, and things that I seem to have forgotten ;-)
I started
Sunninghill Systems
in about 1992, in anticipation of the financial collapse of
the GEC-Marconi group of companies, that included
By some fluke of fate, the task of submitting the "Future Sales Prospects"
of the whole GEC-Marconi group, landed on my desk.
We had already recently lost three EASAMS Managing Directors,
and many guys within GEC-Marconi were being made redundant. EASAMS
was the only profitable part of the group. e.g. contracts like ADCIS ( 100 million GBP ),
and Malaysia ( 1000 million GBP ). Some journalist do not understand the difference between
"million" and "billion" ! 1 billion = 1000 million :-) GBP = Great Britain Pounds Sterling. Does "Money Make the World Go round" ?
Our early contracts included the
Demonstrator for B.T. Labs at Martlesham Heath, and
the "Panthertracks" system, for the UK Atomic Energy Police Constabulary.
Many UK and overseas contracts followed, for Military, Police, Business,
and the Consumer. All business
were remote, in over 150 countries, by use of the Net after about 1995,
exploiting telephone, Fax, email, and my first web site
. By FAR the most important thing, was my making so many friends in so many countries.
e.g. see my
GPSS Links Pages
There is a LOT of Wisdom out there,
especially in the heads of Grumpy Old Men ;-)
Some friends were exploited when I set up my
In recent years, my priority is hobby and charitable activity.
If I accepted money, it would damage my ability to do this.
Who looks at an Advert or listens to a Salesman, unless it is done very well ? ;-)
See those important words at the end,
of what I spend my time on - mostly trying to get others to do the work - whatever "work" is :-)
See Robin's "More" page , with links to over 100 pages, including newsletters. Many have "raw material" that could be used to good effect ;-)
Particularly for journalists: You will find it easy to get my Contact details, unchanged and public for decades. If you pass these to a colleage, asking them to contact me, please make sure you give them the link to this page. i.e. Robin's "Press" page on . It has been known for us to be contacted by guys, looking for information, to be passed back to the guy wishing to create an "exclusive story". Hence, our typical first response, if receiving a lot of emails and/or 'phone calls, is something like, "What page were you looking at, and when was it last updated ?" :-)
You can quickly scroll through them, hover over to "get the flavour", then Tap or Click on it to play. You can use the time-line to quickly sample content.
The automatic subtitles should translate into any language. Most of the videos may be boring, but not all :-)
The Snapshot to the right, takes you to "Robin3" , which often has raw UNEDITED video. Robin sometimes uses his other Youtube channels to work around problems in his PCs at home, or problems created by the "big guys" like Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Apple, etc, etc - who often rely on "little guys" spread around the World ;-)
See the
GPSS on Balloons
Our interest in hot air balloons began in 1996, when Ian Ashpole of Flying Pictures, contacted us.
They were helping Samsung Computers promote their products with a suitably shaped hot air balloon.
Ian's bright idea was to put our GPS Software into a Samsung Laptop PC, using GPS, and "Sensitve Areas"
data, that tells balloonists where NOT to fly. These had been printed on Ordnance Survey maps,
but were soon automated and in the air.
We were contacted by balloonists in UK and other countries, and we had many an enjoyable trip,
chasing guys to their landing spots, aided with GPSS in "chase" mode, helped by pioneering chaps
like Klaus in Germany. We soon had the balloon "sensitve areas" in the Pocket PC version of GPSS.
However, we did not have our own hot air balloon flight until years later, when we were given a flight with "Reach For The Sky" as a special birthday present. This was a fantastic experience. Forgive me showing this attempt at a promotional video - it does at least have a glimpse filmed from our balloon flight.
June and I still cannot resist chasing a hot air balloon when we see one ! :-)
from Robin Lovelock in April 2022:
I must stress that I do NOT not wish to make money in getting my old DOS ( SSDEMO.EXE ), Windows ( GPSS.EXE ), or
Pocket PC ( GPSSPPC.EXE ) GPS Software running on modern Operating Systems.
Someone else can do that, if they wish ;-)
I do retain Intelectual Property and Copyright on this software, some of which dates back to the 1970s and 1980s. However, in April 2022, I stumbled on DOSBOX, and saw that it might be a very easy exercise - for somebody else to do - and tell us all how they did it ;-)
Click on the picture on the right to expand and read the DOSBOX screen.
At least one of my friends has GPSS running under an Apple Operating System ;-)
Click on pictures below to visit the
Barossa Operation page.
All that was done by SSDEMO.EXE under DOS. Later software, like GPSS.EXE
ran under Windows in order to exploit voice recognition software.
My free GPS Software, and free mapping for 153 countries, can be downloaded
from my
page. Much of the mapping is compressed into self-extracting DOS .EXE files.
Tapping or Clicking on the pictures below will take you to my
page, in which these pictures appear. Have fun ! :-)
from Robin Lovelock on 13th July 2023:
Yea ! I put this new section down the bottom, so you had to scroll past all those other stories :-)
It filters out the guys who don't have the right tools for the job ( see
Robin's "Can You See" page )
and it increases the chances of someone picking up on one or more of the other stories :-)
Here is Robin's "Windsor Care" page on <- Tap or Click on this link, or on Dr John on the right --->
Tap or Click on pictures below, to expand or play, and maybe arouse your curiosity or interest. Visit the page above ? :-)
Robin strongly reccomends that you play that video below of the amazing Pam Coughlan. June and Robin had a lovely chat to Pam on the 'phone, on 13th July 2023, and hope to see her again soon. That video of Robin on BBC "The Politics Show" at least shows you how to do the job properly ;-)
The answer to the question, "How much time does Robin spend on his computers ?" IS "As little as possible !" :-)
Tap or Click on pictures to expand, including that one on the right,
also taken on 12th February 2021, showing June and myself enjoying
the blisteringly hot English sunshine despite all that ice ;-)
It's certainly true that, since I retired, decades ago, I've been busier than ever. There just are not enough hours in the day for the things that I would like to do, which are mostly spending time with friends. But of course, thousands of my friends are overseas, or not a short distance, so chatting on the Net, typically by Email, has been an important part of my life for 25 years or more.
Covid19 breaking out in early 2020 has made use of the Net more important for everyone, including those who only use one of many Online Forums or Social Media tools such as Facebook, Whatsapp, and countless others. My Contact page has a clearer and more detailed explanation of how we use our many computers, from the desktops, like this in my Study and our lounge, through many Laptops and Tablets, to the handheld Smartphones, or pendants and smart watches.
The mobile 'phone that I carry with me is NOT smart. It is just for voice calls or short SMS texts.
I also routinely carry more advanced things like my "Pocket Pal" or "Pocket Cam" pendant trackers, so trusted
friends may track me, or might even have a hand's free voice conversation, or send pictures,
now commonplace with smartphones.
I do not enjoy "playing with technology", but I enjoy the results it can provide:
more efficient use of my time, and that of my large numbers of friends and family.
Since 1995 my web pages, linked off my
page of
have been an important means of communication, with relevant text, pictures, videos, and links.
Yes, I do have a LOT of pages, and sometimes I have to resort to searching my hard disks,
or even google to find an old but important page. I have 825 *.htm web pages - that only took me several
seconds to find out, using that old DOS command "dir *.htm /s" ! :-) so I'm guessing that's over 800 useful
pages, most of which are public.
I usually find what I'm looking for, to provide a link within an emailed answer to friend, with just a few minutes search of my web pages, or emails, going back to 1995. In short, my time is precious, so I've always liked to use it efficiently - if not wisely ;-)
For 25 years my daily routine has been to check, answer, and send emails; Check some of my page visit counters - which often give me a few hours warning of a peak in 'phone calls or emails; Update some of my pages, which happens less often, but like this "Bigger Picture" page, can save everyone time, or uncover lovely coincidences, like discovering friends who share a common interest they did not know existed. e.g. in 2020 we discovered that a Primary School friend, from the 1950s, whose career was in the Building business,as an apprentice, did work on TSR2, mentioned on my EASAMS page ! :-)
From Robin: It's very convenient for me, that there are so few visitors to this page: just those given the link.
See map and words near end of my
page ;-)
The visit counters may give a rough indication on who else is visiting, or has visited, this page.
I don't hide or disguise my visits, but they may appear as "Ascot", or miles away, like "Lightwater" or even "Southend-on-Sea, England" (on my Lounge PC),
or "High Wycombe" or "West-Drayton, England" ( on the Study PC).
Positions may not be accurate, but times are.
These may change at any time, without control by me.
e.g. if we have a power cut, or I reboot a router.
So, you may see if I'm "working" in the Study, or "relaxing" in Lounge :-)
Not all visits are seen, and some browsers hide location, but you may find Revolvermaps livestats for this "Press" page of interest.
The video on the right shows several guys visiting my Covid19 page , shortly after I posted the link to the Microtransat forum, linked from the Snoopy Robot Boat page.
That's right - Hobby activity and Charitable Causes, rather than earning money. Us Grumpy old men sometimes find that, "there are just not enough hours in the day" ;-)
© 1947-2022 Robin Lovelock.
There have been
visits seen by
since Tuesday 22nd March 2022.