AMRA - Other Past Social Events

Updated 1200 Thursday 6th June 2002

St David's Day Disco in Cordes Hall on 2nd March 2002

Terry & Jill Disco We thought only 50, compared with the usual 80, might mean this year's disco would not be the usual rip roaring success: we were wrong - just meant we just had a little more floorspace to "do our thing", "let our hair down" and "have a laugh" :-) Great time had by all.

Quiz Evening on 10th November 2001

The combined Indian Meal and Quiz evening on 10th November was a great success in the Cordes Hall. The Raj Vooj provided the excellent food and the Rabin Family organised the Quiz - with much good natured banter and heckling between tables :-)

2001 AMRA Barbecue - "Hot Success" ! :-)

BBQ 2001 Wasn't it fantastic ? Can't be bad when we get "hottest day of the year" two years running :-) Fantastic weather for BBQ on 24th June - see the pictures below. Everyone enjoyed themselves - close to 100 adults and 50 children ? Many Thanks to Jude and Jerry Bell, the AMRA committee and all helping with things like preperation of sites, BBQ food, etc. Here are a few pictures from my camcorder video. There's Alan Cook, centre, AMRA Secretary, "Mr Barbecue Meister" - watching David Sutcliffe (new Committee Member) burn stuff. There's Gerry Bell on the right, taking the required "lubrication" :-) Alan tells me the big bloke behind David is Brian :-) BBQ 2001 Behind Gerry you can see the children being amused by our very "politically incorrect, but excellent" Julian Hirst, contracted entertainer, and "Punch and Judy Man". In the next picture you can see, on far left, Jude Bell, AMRA Social Secretary, and "Food Meister". Sorry if this updated AMRA Page is a bit "ragged" and still a bit out of date - it's a rush job after Patsy Lascelles (now on AMRA Committee as "Estate Manager") gave me, Robin, some nice snaps of the 1999 "Sixties Disco" and last years "Caribean Evening" a few days ago: I just HAD to put them up on the web site - and now I just HAD to get a few pictures from yesterday up onto the page. Sorry if we missed you, but hare are a few more below......

Little Nicole at the Bell's table....then a crowd scene with back of Hans in foreground....

Another crowd - with Pat Burgess ? ...... Poppy Sutcliffe shows Robin her Poo Bear Ball....

Juliet Constantine (Treasurer), Patrick Peters (NW Rep) and daughter... more kids...
Peter Easdale (AMRA Committee) relaxing.... yet more kids and mums...

Maureen, Alison, Stewart, Samantha........ "What's this thing do ?" asks Gerry :-)

Stewart Wicks, Peter Barnard.... back at the BBQ John Williams (NW Rep.) swigs :-)

Sarah McLeod (Committee) with little helper, helping herself to strawberries....
.... then Patsy Lascelles (AMRA Committee Estate Manager) with raffle "goodies" in her excellent basket, and Maureen Wicks saying, "Wot You Got There, Patsy ?" :-)

meanwhile, down at the pond, a poacher catches newts.... watched by "Mr Crocodile" :-)

Even Earlier Events...

The Barn Dance in February 2001

The Barn Dance was on 10th February, from 7.30pm 'till midnight, at the Cordes Hall, Sunninghill. Tickets were only £10, including Fish & Chips meal, and free glass of wine on arrival. "Rogues Gallery" were be the band. As Jude Bell put it, ".....brilliantly incompetent dancing and perfect fish and chips !" :-)

"Caribbean Evening" in November 2000

Robin & June The "Caribbean Evening" was in the Cordes Hall on Saturday 18th November 2000 from 8pm until Midnight. Robin & June Tickets were £15 each. Another rip-roaring success ! These Pictures are from Patsy Lascelles: me in my "politically incorrect" dress and makeup: Despite the flash, the black background means you can only see my "No Problem" teashirt, eyes and teeth. I needed two baths to get it all off :-) Who's this doing the "Limbo" ?

Indian Dinner and Quiz Evening - 15th April 2000

Brilliant ! About 90 attended this chance to meet neighbours, chat with quieter music in the background, and eat good Indian food supplied from the Raj Vooj next door (alternatives were arranged for those few who do not like Indian food - which was mild to appeal to almost everyone), and "shout down" the opposition. Tables were pitted against one-another for the General Knowledge Quiz. Tickets were only £8. We arrived any time after 7pm for a 7.30 start to the Quiz, and ate at about 8.30pm. As normal for these Cordes Hall events, we brought our own glasses, bottles of wine, etc. The Quiz was organised by the Rabin Family from Finchamstead - Great Fun !

AMRA Barbecue - 18th June 2000

BBQ Lolly Here's hoping the 2001 AMRA Barbecue will be as blessed with great weather as that in 2000: remember that hot Sunday on 18th June ? A great time was had by all - including the children - despite the glum face on Sam Bell ("my lolly isn't big enough") on right - for whom an entertainer (below) was contracted-in. Clown Special thanks are due to Jude, who as AMRA Social Secretary, master-minded the children's entertainment, all the food, including getting it from the local butcher, and working with Juliet (Treasurer) and others to prepare it - including salad, strawberries and ice-cream - yummy yummy ! John Williams (Secretary) and Stuart Wicks - both veterens of AMRA BBQ in previous years - did long hours over the coals - doing the "mens work" aided by myself and David Schofield. Next year we must remember to organise a "shift system" so those cooking get a one hour break - we were "at it" for over 3 hours - sorry you had to wait bbq for the steaks as a "second course". Special thanks must also be due to Gerry, husband of Jude, who spearheaded the grass-cutting a day raffle or so before the "A-Team" of volunteers arrived Saturday morning to cut the grass below knee-height, rake it away, and mow it to something approaching a lawn again. Grass-cutting is discussed under "The Bigger Garden" below. The raffle was as popular as ever - with plenty of nice prizes, including chocolates, and bottles of drink - and we did not need to give away the meat left over :-)

The "Sixties Disco" in November 1999

Hippy That's me on the right - "dressed to kill" :-) Before you ask - "Sixties" means 1960's - not our age - although I guess, at this event, we had both those young enough not to remember these times, and those who qualify on both counts. Last November's (1999) event was yet another great success - as had been that the year before. Great music organised by Patrick ! We even made a £30 profit after paying for Champagne, food, hall, music and raffle prizes. We must do it again - and will remind you nearer the time. See "Next Social Event" below.

That's Robin with Carol Park next door, but who are these ? .....
AMRA 60s AMRA 60s AMRA 60s

..and who are these ? ....
AMRA 60s AMRA 60s AMRA 60s