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GPS Software 'Bikers Page'

Created 1200 Wednesday 21st January 1998

Hi Bikers ! This and the 'Walkers Page' are new, but I thought it was time to make a link available on our homepage. Over the last year I have been in email or direct conversation with many GPS enthusiasts who carry GPS on two wheels - even if they do not carry a computer around with them. It is only a matter of time before Windows95 PCs such as the Libretto get even smaller - and cheaper - so GPSS 'on yer bike' is not so fanciful - either on motor bikes or as we say in England, "push bikes". But for the moment, it is more likely that GPSS will be used 'on the desk' back at home, to play back a journey recorded in a Garmin GPS unit, then downloaded into the desktop PC using the free GARDOWN software on this web site.

I hope to put more information onto this page soon, but for the moment I can only say "watch this space" - or perhaps contact me if you have something to contribute.

Robin Lovelock, January '98.

Around Borneo by Bike !

Borneo Map
In January '96 an intrepid team of Bikers made an epic motor cycle treck around the island of Borneo. Robin is indepted to George for this material - sorry it's taken so long to put up George. To protect the innocent, the team shall be known simply by their nick-names : Liew, Rick, Taffy, Dougie, Jess, and George. They covered about 5,000 km's in two weeks riding across some of the most difficult tracks and logging trails to be found in the World.
The Team
As you can see from the map, Borneo straddles the equator, and the weather could best be described as "very hot and very wet" - although I expect The Team would find more descriptive words. Regular punctures and "falling off bridges" seemed to be a daily hazard - if their detailed diary of events is to be believed.
Bike Wash
GPS was obviously an essential aid - along with what maps they had. George informs me that the Silva XL1000 GPS unit, bolted to the handlebars, "worked flawlessly". You can see from the picture on the left, that the unit received regular field maintenance - a hose down along with the rest of the bike ! The last I heard, they were off climbing mountains. Don't forget that beer I owe you George :-)