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For Japanese in the UK, Japan, or anywhere !


GPSS speaks Japanese in addition to English, thanks to our eldest daughter who has been learning the language for years, and the family of her Japanese teacher.

You may obtain the Japanese speech files from our Download Page. This will enable GPSS to speak both English and Japanese. These files are incuded on the 'Japan' country disk together with maps of Japan. You can have speech guidance in Japanese for any country in the World.

If you are a Japanese national and live in the UK within travelling distance of us, perhaps you would like to make an appointment to visit us and see the software. We will provide a free copy of the 'Japan' disk, which includes maps of Japan and Japanese speech, to the first few Japanese users who buy the basic £20 product - in exchange for your advice on how the product can be improved.


Bartholomew Map included on the 'Japan' Country Disk.

See the page 'For those of you outside the UK..'